Monday 29 July 2013

Cupcakes | Spiders | Vietnam

Yesterday I ended up making cupcakes with my friend, Heather because it was raining outside and both my parents and brothers weren't here!

The final product ended up looking like this

I know they do look pretty awful but we were messing about - we wanted to ice all of them but then after about 2-3 we couldn't be bothered and left it. If you're wondering what happened to the really yellow one, well Heather put butter icing on it and then left it on top of the oven letting the butter sizzle! Aha I bet they must sound really appealing now! 

While making this I came across a spider. A big spider. A big pregnant spider. I saw a glimpse of it in the corner of my eye instead a plastic bag which had part of the scales in it. I screamed ran and almost became paralysed in the corner of the kitchen - I can assure you that is no over exaggeration! I used to be scarred of spiders and heights but I'm okay with heights now but with spiders my fear has just grew and grew. Anyway Heather managed to get rid of the spider by chucking it outside and right now it's still out there (over night)

I'm still too scared to go and pick it up aha :') 

At the moment I'm watching a repeat of Top Gear special in Vietnam and I thought I might as well talk about how I went there during Easter for 16 days -  was an amazing holiday and have many pictures - so that'll be a split up into a few posts very soon.

Until next time...

Saturday 27 July 2013

My First Blog POST

I'm writing the first sentence and i can already see myself looking back in a few years, months or even weeks from now and thinking 'Cringe'. 
But as its the summer holidays and apart from going on holiday for a week and maybe visiting 'the family' i thought i would start up a blog to entertain myself.

I say this but deep down I'm hoping that a miracle will happen and people will actually read my blog posts - just like people tend to do a lot of with Zoella, Pointlessblog, MarcusButlerTV, SprinkleofGlitter, Tyler Oakley, Joey Graceffa ....... I watch so many of them on YouTube and they have inspired me to start this blog. I thought I better had include a few of the Americans at the end so i didn't look countriest coming from the UK and all. (Yes I just made 'countriest' a word).

I got a feeling that as soon as the summer ends I'll give this up but I really don't want that to happen. So I'm going to force my self to do blog posts argh i dunno, more than once a week...? Who knows

Until next time...